Monday 7 April 2014

Catching up!

Right then, once again I haven't written a blog post in a month. I keep telling myself I'll write more often, but here we are. To be truthful I haven't really had much of a reason to write a blog post apart from a trip to Portland.


Paul, Chris and I left at some ungodly hour in the morning to take a small trip to Portland. After a smooth trip we arrived at Ferry Bridge where we saw some Red-breasted Merganser and then it was straight off the the harbour. There we saw yet more Red-breasted Merganser and a lone Black Guillemot which was soon to malt into its summer plumage. We were soon on the bill and scanning any sea birds which dared tempt fate by fly on the harsh and stormy sea. We picked up a few Guillemots, Fulmars and varies types of common Gulls, but nothing which was of much interest so I moved on and found myself my first thriving yet battered male Wheatear. Chris and Paul were to late to see it, but we eventually found ourselves a female BLACK REDSTART to raise the spirits and quickly after an extra 2 Wheatear, a couple, both male and female. With this success we headed for the cliffs. Ravens flew lazily and easily over the cliffs giving us brilliant views and a Peregrine maneuvered speedily around the cliffs. Portland was as one would expect apart from any migrants. Once we reached the car again we agreed the long staying Iceland Gull would be or best bet. I didn't have much hope for it, but after a few minutes of scanning Paul found it. We went to have a closer look, but it flew in a different direction so we followed it again. By the end we had covered the whole beach just following the bird. Eventually the bird gave a few fly by passes and we were content.

Iceland Gull

We then did a quick stop at the Harbour and Ferry Bridge before heading off home.
Other than my trip to Portland I haven't done much birding wise.
Thanks for reading.

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